The Visioning & Brookhaven 2030


Rocky Point Visioning and Revitalization Strategy


Vision Long Island, ADLIII Architecture, and Seth Harry and Associates, along with the Town of Brookhaven and the Rocky Point Civic Association, prepared the “Rocky Point Visioning and Revitalization Strategy” in 2007 to envision the future of Rocky Point. The Vision Team examined Rocky Point demographics, conducted an inventory of the housing and commercial establishments, and worked with stakeholders to develop a plan for the future of the community. They recommended greater office, retail, and residential density in a revitalized downtown area. The increased density would help support local businesses, increase tax revenue, generate greater activity, and lead to a more vibrant community. The Visioning recommended expanding the housing choices in the downtown to include townhouses, apartments, accessory dwelling units, and even live-work spaces. Participants recognized that successful implementation of the Vision would require sewering. Read the Visioning & Revitalization Strategy


Brookhaven 2030


The Town of Brookhaven initiated a town-wide comprehensive planning effort in 2008. The first phase assessed community interests and concerns and prioritized issues. An interesting result of the town-wide preference survey was the interest in main street development. It ranked second, suggesting a strong interest in the preservation, enhancement, and revitalization of Brookhaven downtowns. Stakeholders favored “pedestrian-friendly, mixed-use districts for community members to gather and socialize.” They felt that every hamlet should have a “Main Street” with a mix of uses, such as shopping, restaurants, retail, and affordable housing, with a higher density, vertical component. Rocky Point is one such area where sewering the downtown could be transformative. 


Read Brookhaven 2030 documents