Water, Wastewater, Stormwater & Solid Waste Engineering

Water, Wastewater, and Solid Waste Engineering

Cameron Engineering’s extensive experience in water and wastewater engineering allows us to take a “cradle to grave” approach by providing services that range from initial planning to system start-up and operator training. Cameron Engineering’s services include the provision of Contract Drawings and Specifications through construction phase observation.

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Our various Water and Wastewater Engineering services include:

  • Process Evaluation – Comprehensive Performance Evaluations
  • Engineering Reports
  • Process and Treatment Design
  • Sewage Treatment Plant Design
  • Septage Treatment
  • Denitrification Systems
  • On-Site Sanitary Treatment Systems
  • Process Control Troubleshooting
  • Water Distribution Design
  • SPDES Permits
  • Operations Assistance and Training
  • O&M Manuals
  • Regulatory Agency Assistance
  • Storage Tanks
  • Rate Studies
  • Sewage Collection and Transport
  • Systems Start-Up/Operator Training
  • Construction Inspection Services
  • Design of Biosolids Composting
  • Sludge and Solid Waste Management
  • Bulk Storage Design
  • Spill Management Plans
  • State Bond Act Grant Applications
  • State Revolving Fund Loan Assistance

The Firm has also specialized in the managing and processing of residuals such as biosolids, paper mill residuals, solid waste and other organic wastes items. We have designed, permitted and provided construction related services to owners having the need to beneficially re-use these wastestreams.

Cameron Engineering’s staff of professional engineers, environmental scientists and certified facility operators provide feasibility studies, permitting, design, operations assistance, construction management and marketing of recovered materials from state-of-the-art solid waste management and naturals recovery/recycling facilities.

This unique blend of professionals and experienced facility operators has enabled the Firm to earn a reputation for solving significant solid and liquid waste problems with well-designed, cost- effective facilities.

The Firm specializes in the design and operation of a range of facilities, including recyclables handling and recovery, solid waste composting, sludge composting, intensive recycling and composting, pre-processing and septage waste treatment. We also design recycling and source separation programs for communities and multi-building facilities such as hospitals and college campuses. We also have marketed approximately 100,000 tons of recyclable aluminum, glass, ferrous and plastic from material recovery facilities. This valuable experience helps the Firm’s engineers design facilities that produce high quality recyclable materials which secondary markets will accept.

The Firm provides unique capabilities in the design of water and wastewater facilities. The design expertise of Cameron Engineering is complemented by the operation expertise of the qualified and certified treatment plant operators. The combination of professional engineers and certified operators results in treatment plant designs that are both efficient and operator friendly. The Firm has been very successful in obtaining State Bond Act grants to assist facilities in implementation of their respective improvements. We also assist municipalities in applying for and managing low interest loans from New York State agencies as well as State Bond Act grants.

Stormwater Engineering

Cameron Engineering is highly experienced in developing innovative methods of collecting and treating stormwater through natural and constructed means.

In urban and suburban settings, stormwater management and ecological restoration are closely related. Managed and natural ecosystems can be severely impacted by stormwater runoff and its contaminants.


Mark Wagner, CEP, LEED AP – Email: mwagner@cameronengineering.com

Stephen Hadjiyane, P.E., BCEE – Email:  shadjiyane@cameronengineering.com

Mark Rauber – Email: mrauber@cameronengineering.com

Bertrand Byrne, P.E. – Email: bbyrne@cameronengineering.com